The Journey Begins (Finally...Hopefully)

Glosa Journal
(image by rmp, that's me)

August 3, 2016, I wrote my fourth glosa. In that simple moment where I found myself compelled to compose the piece in this poetic form, an idea was birthed. With my affinity for this form and music, I would embark upon a journey to write an entire collection of song inspired glosas. So strong was the inclination for this idea, I picked up a brand-new journal and wrote down the first inspirational lines. I figured if I wrote one a week, within a year I’d have 52. Given approximately 80 pages, in under two years the journal could be full.

I finished my second (fifth overall) glosa on January 12, 2017. So much for my project and calculations. But in picking up the journal again and having finished yet another piece, I was inspired once more. The next song inspired lines written within days of completion. The finishing touches to this glosa were made on January 1, 2018. That’s right. Just eight days ago.

Who is to say where or how exactly this journey went awry? What I can say is that I have found myself reinvigorated by the idea and ready to once again see where this might take me. In fact, four days ago, I found the last few words I need to finish off another glosa. My journal know has four completed pieces and as of earlier today, the start of the next.

But I know myself all to well. Too easy it will be for me to slip off this newfound course. With that in mind, I have decided to document my journey. Each week (hopefully), discuss the process, trials and tribulations of the current glosa being composed. And during those moments were a piece might call for a bit more than a week, I will journal about the form itself, as well as what went into writing those pieces already completed. That alone should give me an extra eight weeks should I need it, which let’s be honest I will.

Of course, journaling the process does little good if I’m the only audience member. So, I will be completing this log online with the thought that someone out there may enjoy travelling along with me. Before moving forward, however, with transposing the process behind the piece I started today, I will be posting a brief piece about the poetic form itself, as I believe knowing what is entailed within a glosa will provide for more enjoyment of the journaling to follow.



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